
Pace Aerospace Engineering社のPacelab Flight Profile Optimizerが、

Optimisation of commercial flight profiles to save fuelPDF ]
REF2021 Impact case study (REF3), University of Birmingham, Mathematical Sciences (UoA 10), 2021

Astos Solutions GmbH社のソフトウェアLOTOSが、

Walther M., Wiegand A.:
ASTOS Orbit Generator - Rapid Creation of Quasi-Optimal Orbital Transfers in the CR3BP
ESA GNC and ICATT Conference, Sopot, Poland, 12-16 June 2023
[ PDF ]
 Wiegand A., Rossi V., Shaeff S., Weikert S.:
ASTOS 9.3 Multibody Feature for Simulations of Flexible Launcher Dynamics (slideshow)
ICATT Conference, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 6-9 November 2018 [ PPT (8.1MB)]


Blecha L., Puyol Y., Hayoz S., Humphries M., Rottmeier F.
Micro-Vibration Attenuation Using Novel Flexible Pivot Design
Proceedings of the 45th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium, NASA Johnson Space Center, 2020 [ PDF ]
Puyol Y., Blecha L., Humphries M., Hayoz S., Rottmeier F.
Innovation in Large Angle Flexible Pivot Design & Material Accelerated Fatigue Screening Test Results
Proc. 18. European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposiu
m 2019 [ PDF ]


Kappel, E.,
Double–Double laminates for aerospace applications - Finding best laminates for given load sets
Composites Part C: Open Access. Elsevier. https://elib.dlr.de/185945/ (2022) [ PDF ]

ベーカーヒューズ(Baker Hughes)社が
MIDACOを油田削掘業務(oilfield drilling operations)に活用

Karvinen K.S.:
Constrained Path Optimization for Automated Directional Drilling.
IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 
DOI: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260482, Auckland, New Zealand (2023) [ 
リンク ]

フランス電力(Électricité de France)社が

Zhao Q., Mecheri M., Neveux T., Privat R., Jaubert J.N., Moullec Y.L.:
Search for the Optimal Design of a Supercritical-CO2 Brayton Power Cycle
from a Superstructure-Based Approach Implemented in a Commercial Simulation Software. 

Energies, Vol. 16, Issue 14, DOI: 10.3390/en16145470 (2023)PDF ]
Zhao Q., Neveux T., Jaubert J.N., Mecheri M., Privat R., Guittard P., Jaubert J.N.:
Probabilistic technique for solving computational problem :
application of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to find the best sCO2 Brayton cycle configuration

3rd Eur. supercritical CO2 Conf. Sep. 19-20, Paris, France (2019) [ PDF ]
Zhao Q., Neveux T., Jaubert J.N., Mecheri M., Privat R., Guittard P., Jaubert J.N.:
Superstructure optimization (MINLP) within ProSimPlus Simulator.
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Vol. 43, pp. 767-772 (2018) [ リンク ]
Zhao Q., Neveux T., Jaubert J.N., Mecheri M., Privat R.:
Design of SC-CO2 Brayton cycles using MINLP optimization within a commercial simulator.
6th Inter. Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Symp., March 27-29, Pittsburgh, USA (2018) [ PDF ]
ProSim (Process Simulation Software & Services)社 が MIDACO を外部ソルバーのオプションに追加 [ レポート ]


Suryakumar V., Varkey P., Thomsen B., Marriott J., Liu D., Tiwari A.
Aeroelastic Preliminary-Design Optimization of Communication Tower Structures
AIAA SciTech Forum, 6-10 January 2020, Orlando, FL [
リンク ]


Altair / HyperWorksがMDSモジュールの外部ソフトウェアツールにMIDACOを採用
MIDACOはMDS(Multiscale Design Systems)内部でのマイクロ構造最適化を実行
Ranplan Wireless 社が「Ranplan Professional platform」内部にMIDACOを組み込み
SigmaXL社 のシミュレーションおよび最適化用のExcelアドインである
Axians 社がカスタム仕様IT性能ソリューション内部にMIDACOを組み込み提供
