


自動更新機能を持つオラクルペナルティ法を実装したアルゴリズムは、自己調整型(self-tuning)に分類されます。オラクルペナルティ法の適用例として、アリコロニー最適化(ACO)については[1]、[6]、[7]、[15]、[17]、遺伝的アルゴリズム(GA)については [2]、[10]、[11]、粒子群最適化(PSO)については[3]と[16]、人工蜂コロニーアルゴリズムについては[12]、微分進化(Differential Evolution 、DE)については[4]、[5]、[8]、[13]を参照してください。またオラクルペナルティ法は、決定論的方法にも拡張されました[14]。この方法に関する最も詳しい紹介は[1]に、キーコンセプトにある目的の簡単な説明はこちらのPDF ▶(スライド11-15)にあります。MIDACOが数百の(非線形)制約を持つ問題を迅速かつ堅牢に解決できる主要な理由の一つが、オラクルペナルティ法なのです(ベンチマークを参照)。


Section 2.3 ▶ )

Omega = 0の拡張オラクルペナルティ法のグラフ

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[1]Schlueter, Gerdts  The Oracle Penalty Method  Journal of Global Optimization (Springer), Vol. 47, Issue 2, Pages 293-325 (Preprint) (2010) 
[2]Munawar et al.Advanced genetic algorithm to solve MINLP problems over GPUIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC, pp. 318 - 325 (link) (2011)
[3]Dong, Cheng, NiuA Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Oracle Penalty MethodApplied Mechanics and Material (AMM) pp. 303-306, 1519 (2013)
[4]Dong, Wang, Cheng, JiangComposite differential evolution with modified oracle penalty method for constrained optimization problemsMathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 1-15, DOI:10.1155/2014/617905 (Paper) (2014)
[5]Dong, Cheng, NiuAdaptive Constrained Differential Evolution Algorithms based on Oracle Penalty FunctionComputer Applications and Software (Chinese), DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-386x.2014.01.078 (2014)
[6]Gebreslassie, DiwekarEfficient ant colony optimization for computer aided
molecular design: case study solvent selection problem
Computers & Chemical Engineering (Elsevier) Volume 78, Pages 1–9 (2015)
[7]Gebreslassie, DiwekarEfficient ant colony optimization (EACO) algorithm for deterministic optimizationInt. J. Swarm Intel. Evol. Comput. 5:131. doi:10.4172/2090-4908.1000131 (link) (2016)
[8]Chen, LiangAn Optimization Approach of SRM Sphere Slot Grain Design Based on Improved Differential Evolution AlgorithmAdvanced Materials Research, Vol 971-973, Pages 1072-1075 (2014)
[9]Gago-Vargas et al.Nonlinear integer problems with applications to engineering design Computational Optimization and Applications (Springer), http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10589-015-9739-3 (Preprint) (2015)
[10]Sato, Watanabe, IgarashiMultimaterial Topology Optimization of Electric Machines Based on Normalized Gaussian NetworkIEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Vol. 51, No. 3, Art. 7202604 (Preprint) (2015)
[11]NogueraWhat's New in DiscoverSim Version 2INFORMS 2015 Workshop, Philadelphia USA (PPTX) (2015)
[12]Zhang, Han, WangEmulsion Explosive Formulation Optimization Based on Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmActa Analysis Functionalis Applicata, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 421-430 (Preprint) (2015)
[13]Shi, Liu, Feng, ZhaoImproved Differential Evolution Based PA Energy Efficiency Optimization Scheme with Joint Polarization-QAM in OFDM SystemsIEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), DOI: 10.1109/ICCChina.2017.8330407 (link) (2017)
[14]Costa, Rocha, FernandesA Penalty Approach for Solving
Nonsmooth and Nonconvex MINLP
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 223.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71583-4_4 (link) (2018)
[15]Paffrath, Zhou, Guo, ErtlInteractive winding geometry design of power transformersIEEE/ICOA, 4th Inter. Conf. on Opt. App.,  DOI: 10.1109/ICOA.2018.8370494 (link) (2018)
[16]Zhengtonga, Zhengqi, Xiaokui, ChenMultimaterial layout optimization of truss structures via an improved particle swarm optimization algorithmComputers & Structures, Vol. 222, pp 10-24 (Elsevier) (2019)
[17]AcciariniSolar Sailing Polar Mission to the SunMaster Thesis, TU-Delft, Netherlands (link) (2019)
[18]Sato, IgarashiAutomatic Design of PM Motor Using Monte Carlo Tree SearchIEEE Transaction on Magnetics,DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2022.3164926, (link) (2022)
[19]Otomo, Sato, Ken, Onozaka, HajimeParameter and Topology Optimizations for Wireless Power Transfer DeviceIEEE Transactions on Magnetics,DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3301995 (link) (2023)